My background
Academic Education
2021→ PhD in Educational Technology (AAU, USA) 2015→ PhD in Education (UNINI,México) 2013→ Master Program: Estrategic Design ITC (Spain) 2013 Training of eTutor. GIZ. (Bonn Germany) 2012 GIZ Workshop 'Virtual Learning Communities revealed' (Berlin, Germany) 2012 Open ECBCheck Review Training. GIZ & ITC-ILO. (Turin Italy) 2010 Expert in Virtual Environments. OAS (Argentina) 2009 Expert in New Tecnologies of Learning through the Internet University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen (Germany) 2010 GC21 Authors Workshop. Inwent. Perú 2009 LiderHabilidad Workshop. Inwent.Peú 2009 eLearning Design and Implementation. Educ@L-InWent (Latinamerica) 2009 Expert in Education and New Technologies. Univ. FLACSO (Costa Rica) 2009 Master Program:Design, Management and Implementation Projects.Univ Polit Catalunya (Spain) 2008 Diploma: Learning evaluation in virtual environment.UNED(CostaRica) 2007 Diploma: Enseñanza para la Comprensión WideWorldHarvard Graduate School of Education (USA) 2007 Diploma:Media subjectivities and education. FLACSO (Argentina) 2006 Degree of Educational Management. Univ CAECE (Argentina) 2006 Degree of Training Teachers. UTN Fac.SanNicolás (Argentina) 1989 System Analist.CNS(Argentina) |
Professional Experience
2015-2021 Teacher of ITC in Master course. PUCP (Perú) 2015 Preparation and development of ITCMaster course. PUCP (Perú) 2014 Coordinator pedagogical ISFD 131 (Argentine) Quality in eLearning. Peer-Reviewer. OpenECBCheck. GIZ (Germany) 2013 eLeaning Content development for Group EDUCARE (Mexico) 2012 2013 Content development for GIZ (Germany) 2011 2012 Umbrella tutor. ASeL Program. Educ@L. GIZ (Latin America) 2012 2013 Superior Expert of Educational Technology Mercosur Digital Project (Cooperation International)(Uruguay) 2012 2013 Content development for the course Content Development. eLDI Program for Africa & Asia. GIZ. (Germany) 2012 2013 Preparation and development bLearning of Diploma NTIC applied education.(Argentine) 2011 Content development for the IDeL Program. GIZ. (Latin America) 2011→Pedagogical ITC trainer (Argentine) 2011 Virtual tutor support, Intercultural Communication Course. GIZ (Germany) 2010 2013 Virtual Tutor. Tutor of the module "Content Design for eLearning" for the course IDeL. Educ@l-GIZ (Latin America) (Germany) 2010 2012 Preparation and development of EVA course. PUCP (Perú) 2008 2010 Referent Pedagogical ITC (Argentine) 2008 2009 Virtual Tutor. eLearning facilitator and guide. OAS (Organization of American States) (USA) 2006→ eLearning Projects' Implementation. a-virtual (Argentine) ITC Teacher for secondary and high level |
Coordinator of ebook "TIC en Educación Inicial."
Several eArtículos en QuadernsDigitals, Novedades Educativas, RUSC y DIM. Spain
Several Pocket Books en LULU. EEUU
Investigations lines
Education Management and IT
Education and IT
Tutors´ training.
Letter of Recognize of the Sra Marisela Font Rodríguez President of Comité Organizador for the participation in EVENTO VIRTUAL de la XII CONVENCION y EXPO INTERNACIONAL, INFORMÁTICA 2007 in La Habana, Cuba.
OA Award 2009 Congratulations of PENT- FLACSO
Award of Educar-Intel 2009
Speaker at Conferences
2013 - 4to International Congress Punta del Este y 8vo Conference BTM 2013.Uruguay
2013 - Coordinator 1° Conference of Educational Exchange -Mar del Plata- Argentina
2013 - Virtual Congress Mundial of e-Learning - Argentina
2012 - Educa Berlín. Alemania.
2011 - International Seminary "Innovando en las Organizaciones Videojuegos y mundos virtuales".Organized PUCP, Perú.
2010 - Conference Alumni para América Latina. Costa Rica
2010 - Training for training in NTICx. DGCyE Argentina.
2009- II International Congress of Education online & TIC – Aprendizaje en Contextos Ubicuos”. Organized Facultad de Educación de la PUCP del Perú.
2009- “V International Congress Educared - Innovar en la Escuela Modelos, experiencias y protagonistas de la integración de las TIC”. Organized Fundación Telefónica.
2008- Conferencista Magistral en el “1º WEBINAR Educativa Convergencia Virtual”. Organized STRATUSCORP Cia., THEduc@ de Quito. Ecuador.
2008- 1° Virtual Congress Iberoamericano of Quality in eLearning.
2008- “II Workshops de EaD” Universidad del Salvador. Argentina
2007- XII Congress of Informática Educativa “InforEdu 2007” Convención “Informática 2007” en el Palacio de Convenciones de Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
2007- Illinois Online Conference for Teaching and Learning – IOC 2007,Illinois, EEUU.
2007- 2do. International Congress of online Learning “Eduonline 2007”, México.
2007-1eras International Workshops of New Tecnology aplicadas a la Enseñanza de Lenguas”. Argentina. Organized Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Argentina.
2007- 2do International Conference BTM 2007 de Educación, Formación y Nuevas Tecnologías”. Punta del Este, Uruguay. Organized Biblioteca Tecnológica de Maldonado y la UTEMVIRTUAL de Chile.
2007- Conference Magistral “Perspectiva pedagógica basada en el aprendizaje interactivo con TICs. La Web 2.0 en el aula” 3er International Congress "Education & TICs." Organized por CECAP y Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Uruguay.
2006- 2do International Congress Education &TICs. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Uruguay.
2006- 4º Workshop Education & Informatic. Universidad Nacional Villa María. Córdoba.
2006 III Online Congress "Observatorio para la Cibersociedad". Barcelona, España.
Coordinator of ebook "TIC en Educación Inicial."
Several eArtículos en QuadernsDigitals, Novedades Educativas, RUSC y DIM. Spain
Several Pocket Books en LULU. EEUU
Investigations lines
Education Management and IT
Education and IT
Tutors´ training.
Letter of Recognize of the Sra Marisela Font Rodríguez President of Comité Organizador for the participation in EVENTO VIRTUAL de la XII CONVENCION y EXPO INTERNACIONAL, INFORMÁTICA 2007 in La Habana, Cuba.
OA Award 2009 Congratulations of PENT- FLACSO
Award of Educar-Intel 2009
Speaker at Conferences
2013 - 4to International Congress Punta del Este y 8vo Conference BTM 2013.Uruguay
2013 - Coordinator 1° Conference of Educational Exchange -Mar del Plata- Argentina
2013 - Virtual Congress Mundial of e-Learning - Argentina
2012 - Educa Berlín. Alemania.
2011 - International Seminary "Innovando en las Organizaciones Videojuegos y mundos virtuales".Organized PUCP, Perú.
2010 - Conference Alumni para América Latina. Costa Rica
2010 - Training for training in NTICx. DGCyE Argentina.
2009- II International Congress of Education online & TIC – Aprendizaje en Contextos Ubicuos”. Organized Facultad de Educación de la PUCP del Perú.
2009- “V International Congress Educared - Innovar en la Escuela Modelos, experiencias y protagonistas de la integración de las TIC”. Organized Fundación Telefónica.
2008- Conferencista Magistral en el “1º WEBINAR Educativa Convergencia Virtual”. Organized STRATUSCORP Cia., THEduc@ de Quito. Ecuador.
2008- 1° Virtual Congress Iberoamericano of Quality in eLearning.
2008- “II Workshops de EaD” Universidad del Salvador. Argentina
2007- XII Congress of Informática Educativa “InforEdu 2007” Convención “Informática 2007” en el Palacio de Convenciones de Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
2007- Illinois Online Conference for Teaching and Learning – IOC 2007,Illinois, EEUU.
2007- 2do. International Congress of online Learning “Eduonline 2007”, México.
2007-1eras International Workshops of New Tecnology aplicadas a la Enseñanza de Lenguas”. Argentina. Organized Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Argentina.
2007- 2do International Conference BTM 2007 de Educación, Formación y Nuevas Tecnologías”. Punta del Este, Uruguay. Organized Biblioteca Tecnológica de Maldonado y la UTEMVIRTUAL de Chile.
2007- Conference Magistral “Perspectiva pedagógica basada en el aprendizaje interactivo con TICs. La Web 2.0 en el aula” 3er International Congress "Education & TICs." Organized por CECAP y Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Uruguay.
2006- 2do International Congress Education &TICs. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Uruguay.
2006- 4º Workshop Education & Informatic. Universidad Nacional Villa María. Córdoba.
2006 III Online Congress "Observatorio para la Cibersociedad". Barcelona, España.